Select Comments From Thrutch

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Amit Ghate has left a new comment on your post "Client #9 - Busted":

Thanks for the comment Principlex. And while I can certainly sympathize with
your feeling of repulsion towards Spitzer and your disdain of an electorate
that put him in power, I think it's a bit much to equate him to Hitler.
Doing so trivializes the mass murder of 6 million people.

Nonetheless I do agree that when a petty thug like Spitzer can be elected on
a platform which basically amounts to: "The law and due process be damned, I
can and will do anything that I judge to be in the (undefinable) public
interest", we've definitely taken more than a few steps down the road
towards totalitarianism.

Posted by Amit Ghate to Thrutch at 5:34 PM

principlex has left a new comment on your post "Client #9 - Busted":

When it finally registered yesterday that Spitzer had been elected governor
in a landslide, I felt like a knife had been thrust into my chest. Hence my
blog comments.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spitzer, Hitler - What's the Difference?

Given that Spitzer was a brazen ruthless ruiner of men and was elected to
his office in a landslide, do we now understand how America can elect a
Hitler? And what does this say about the fascist underbelly of the
Democratic Party?

I heard a colleague of his defending all the good things he had done in his
short term as governor, trying to salvage something, anything, of Spitzer
and the Democrats in New York. My ears were in rebellion. I wretched.

This fascist ugliness is just behing the drape in our current political
drama. And this, I say, is the primary lesson in this matter. WAKE UP!

Posted by principlex at 3:42 PM

Posted by principlex to Thrutch at 8:26 AM