Select Comments From Thrutch

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Amit Ghate has left a new comment on your post "Client #9 - Busted":

Thanks for the comment Principlex. And while I can certainly sympathize with
your feeling of repulsion towards Spitzer and your disdain of an electorate
that put him in power, I think it's a bit much to equate him to Hitler.
Doing so trivializes the mass murder of 6 million people.

Nonetheless I do agree that when a petty thug like Spitzer can be elected on
a platform which basically amounts to: "The law and due process be damned, I
can and will do anything that I judge to be in the (undefinable) public
interest", we've definitely taken more than a few steps down the road
towards totalitarianism.

Posted by Amit Ghate to Thrutch at 5:34 PM