Mike N has left a new comment on your post "Crossfit Rest Day Links":
I think the article by Ewe Buse is ok as far as showing the politicization of science where the IPCC is concerned even though I didn't think he went deep enough. I disagree with his description of how meticulous the IPCC is. This may be true of the various ARs but is certainly not true of the SPMs.
And Mr. Buse is wrong when he contends that Richard Lindzen is the only IPCC critic that is that vociferous. There are others equally so. And the idea that Mr. Lindzen's criticisms are just claims is also off the mark. I'v read some of Lindzen's articles and he is not in the habit of making arbitrary claims.
Otherwise, the article does show some politicization of science, more evidence of why science needs to be removed from government.
Posted by Mike N to Thrutch at 12:42 PM
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