Amit Ghate has left a new comment on your post "Feelings over Facts":
Hi Galileo,
WRT to your first point, I think that when feelings are the standard by which speech is allowed or not, there are only two choices: either silence everyone on any issue which might be controversial, or allow force to determine who can speak and who can't. In practice some of each happen (but always to the detriment of the man of reason who wants to peacefully explore reality without bowing to other men's whims). The sterile politically-correct campuses (ignoring their attacks on capitalism and Western values) are examples of what happens when the former course is chosen, the violent threats and actions of many Muslims and the fear they engender is the result of the latter type of choice.
Your namesake is, of course, a prime example of the type of person who loses in either situation.
Posted by Amit Ghate to Thrutch at 3:34 PM
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