Select Comments From Thrutch

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

I know this has ALMOST nothing to do with this story but I remmeber a while back that you pointed out that some Libertarians pointed out Somalia as a success story for anarchy.

Well here is a story you might find interesting.

" The bottom line is that life is easier in an area controlled by an Islamic Courts militia. For that reason, the growing number of successful businessmen in Somalia, have hooked up with an Islamic Courts militia for protection (for which they pay). At least with the Islamic Courts, when a businessman pays, he is more likely to get what he paid for. On the down side, the Islamic Courts back Islamic terrorism, al Qaeda and restrictive Islamic customs."

By the way,you can get a lot of information about what is happening now in somalia on this site.

Posted by Apollo to Thrutch at 6/01/2006 10:02:19 AM