Amit, thank you for your so so intelligent piece of "western style" reasoning. If our governments could adopt your policies then we could all start feeling free again. Weakness and virtue are not the same. I learned at school what happens to people who don't stand up to bullies. If we invade another country i will cry for the innocent as much as anyone, I'm sure that many Germans were killed in WW2 who weren't nazi's and my heart bleads for them but sometimes you face a decision for the greater good. Winston Churchill once had informatiion that the city of Coventry would be bombed,but evacuating it wouuld have given away his ability to crack codes and would have ultimately have lead to more deaths. he agonised, but let the people of coventry be bombed in order to save more lives. people today have lost that clarity and just want to take the easy way out, as demanded by 60 miutes etc. i will send this article to any one with influence that i know. thank you again
Ps anyone interested in this check out
Posted by harry to Thrutch at 7/11/2006 04:54:41 AM
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