Select Comments From Thrutch

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'd have to agree. Most of the Islam exposing sites are either pro-Christianity or Christianity appeasing as well. I see alot of the sentiment: "Islam is not a true religion of love and peace but Christianity is". This hardly helps the problem.

Also I see that many secular exposers of Islam a very eager to make "allies" with Christians. Jason Papas' site Liberty and Culture comes to mind. He does a good job of showing the true nature of Islam but never goes the extra mile by connecting it to the problems with faith itself ala Ayn Rand in "Faith and Force" for fear of offending his religous viewers. He even rationalizes it:

There are many sites like that. Its like the David Kelly approach of trying to make friends by conveniently ommitting the religious nature of your newfound allies.

But your right. Everyone should read LGF to keep up with both the Islamic assault on the West and the post-modernists capitulation to it.

BTW, here is anothe good aggregate site:

Posted by zama202 to Thrutch at 4/11/2006 05:44:29 PM