Select Comments From Thrutch

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

How funny, reading the pontificatory nonsense that passes for "wisdom," here.

It is achingly clear how little you lot understand Islam, and (worse) how little you understand Christianity. Islam is a religion of peace, as is Christianity. But Christians brought us the Children's Crusade; the Holocaust of women (called the witch-burnings); and the repression of religious minorities and sects throughout Europe (not to mention their tender treatment of Jews).

No, Moslem's aren't saintly: but have you ever stopped and thought for a moment why they "hate" us? Perhaps it's because we bomb their homes, starve them, imprison and torture them without ID'ing them, and then we clap ourselves on the back, telling them (And ourselves) that we're doin' it for democracy.

When are we going to finally wake up and smell the spin-cycle? This whole "war on terror" drech is nothing more than some new propaganda, wrapped around an old theme...domination. There IS no "war of civilizations:" there's just the same old story...the have more's pounding on the Middle-Eastern have-not's.

Posted by Anonymous to Thrutch at 3/07/2006 01:21:10 AM