Although you bring up a plethora of novel ideas and thoughts (few of which I personally ascribe, though valuable just the same), the problem with your reasoning is that you speak in terms of divisions, that westerners are different from everyone else. Until people stop putting themselves on a pedestal we will never be able to coexist as a cohesive world society. We each have different values, and it's folly to describe one's values to be right and one's to be wrong, just so long as no one is harmed in such thought. Of course, a case may be made for evil in both western and eastern socities. But I digress, the point is that regardless of what we believe, regardless of who we are, we are ALL intrinsically the same. There is no need to divide people into groups as many a time you do. With regards to secularization, I believe that your essay loses value.
Posted by Fly Free Forever to Thrutch at 3/05/2006 01:09:00 PM
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