Concerning the current intellectual atmosphere at the Mises Institute, I truly do think that it is a tragic situation, for what is happening there is nothing short of intellectual fraud.
Mises was an advocate of constitutional, republican government -- and he explicitly rejected anarchism in all its forms as the false and naive doctrine that it is. He certainly would have never lent his name to the advancement of "anarcho-capitalism," anymore than he would have lent to the advancement of anarchistic communism.
Nonetheless, these Rothbardian frauds do not shy away from this fact; yet all it takes to see the nature of their deed is to imagine the existence of a Karl Marx Institute that promotes the idea of limited government!
But of course, the engineers of this intellectual abomination have found a more subtle way to perform their deed: and this is, hiding behind the authority and true economic ideas of a great man to promote their own false political ideas -- which otherwise no one would have spent two seconds to entertain.
As I said somewhere else, these people should cultivate some honesty and go ahead with the erection of a Murray Rothbard Institute, where their ideas would rightfully belong.
Posted by Resident Egoist to Thrutch at 9/23/2005 11:33:32 AM
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